Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Annual Renewals
to support one annual cycle of program renewals at institutions hosting the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship: Barnard, Bowdoin, Brooklyn, Bryn Mawr, Carleton, Claremont, Connecticut, Dartmouth, Grinnell, Haverford, Hunter, Macalester, Oberlin, Queens, Smith, Swarthmore, Wellesley, Whittier, and Williams Colleges; City College of New York; Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Emory, Harvard, Heritage, Northwestern, Princeton, Rice, Stanford, Yale, and Wesleyan Universities; the Universities of California at Berkeley, and Los Angeles; the Universities of Chicago, Cape Town, Southern California, the Western Cape, the Witwatersrand, United Negro College Fund, Inc., and Washington University in St. Louis
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